বুধবার, ২৫ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪

Shah Abdul Hannan

Islamic Education Movement Recent Historty & Objectives - Shah Abdul Hannan

Islamic Education Movement, which is otherwise widely known as the Movement for the Islamization of Knowledge, as a new phenomenon started its journey sometimes in 1977-1978. A group of scholars thought that the educational system in the Muslim World in not fulfilling the needs of the Muslim countries and that it should be thoroughly revised and updated. In this backdrop, the first Islamic Educational World Conference was held in Makkah in 1977 in which more than 300 academicians, scholars and intellectuals participated. The first Conference made certain significant recommendations for the Islamiza- tion of Knowledge. Later on more such Conferences were held in other parts of the world in whtich Ulama, academi- cians, scholars and intelectuals of various countries held among other countries, in Pakistan, Indonesia and Bangla- desh. This writer had the opportunity to take part in the Con- frences held in Pakistan, Indonesia and Bangladesh. This Con- ference helped to a great extent in crystallizing and concep- tualizing what should be the future shape and structure of the Islamic Education. Later notable institutions like International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), USA joined in this Movement. The prime focus of IIIT since then had been on the Restructur- ing of Throughout and Islamization of Knowlege, including Islamization of Education.

As the outcome of the painstaking efforts of the learned schol- ars of various disciplines to formulate a pragmatic Islamic Education Policy through the Islamic Education Conference and contribution of eminent Islamic organizations an individu- als, the first Islamic University, the International Islamic University (IIU), Malaysia, was established. Distinguished Islamic scholar of the world, well known for their own discipline and subject and at the same time firm believer in Islam, assembled in the new alma nature. Many of these scholars were leaders of the Islamic Monument in their own countries and were at the fore- front of Dawah, Islamic activities in their own arena. Dr. Abdul Hamid abu Sulayman renewed scholar and current Chairman of IIIT, USA took the responsibility of the IIU. Malaysia in the initial stage. A prolific writer, Dr. Abul Hamid, on assuming the responsibility of the University, vigorously started the work of Islamization of Education. Arabic and Fiqh, Islamic Law and Jurisprudence were introduced as compulsory university- requirement courses. The University from the very beginning took steps to gradually Islamic the subject of the social science discipline and the efforts is still on.

Later on more Islamic universities have been established in other parts of the world following the model of IIU, Malaysia. One such University has been established in Islamabad (Pakistan. Another in Uganda (Africa) and another in Kushtia (Bangladesh). It must be admitted that the Islamic University, Bangladesh has, to some extent, lost direction because of political environment within the country, and the University could not make much headway following the molel of IIU, Malaysia, nevertheless it has to be accepted that Islamic University. Bangladesh also make some contribution in the Islamization of Education and Islamization of Knowledge. Latter Darul Ihsan University and Islamic University, Chittagong were established with the same mission.
To many it remains a question why Islamization of Education is important and this demands an in-depth examination and critical and careful analysis Islamization of Education is signifi- cant because the root cause of all problems and malaise's of the Ummah, the Muslim community, it education. If we look at the setback and crisis of the Ummah, if we evaluate the politi- cal.

Economic and social dilemman of the muslim world and particularly if we refer to the overall scenario prevailing in the Muslim countries from Islamic point of view and look at them from Islamic vision and perspective then we shall reach to the conclusion that the ultimate reason for all these ills in the Muslim world lies in our failure to restructure the education which shall not only meet the demand of our tie but at the samne time make a Muslim. Had we been able to educate Muslims, as worthy Muslims there would not have been political, economic and social problems in the Muslim world of the size and level as exist now. Such prominent scholars and academicians as Islamil Raji al Faruqi, Abul Hamid Abu Sulayman and Syed Ali Ashraf, eminent educationists, Islamic scholar and forunder of Darul Ihsan University Bangladesh share this view.

Isalmic educationsts and scholars afe of unanimous opinion that the root cause of all problems of the Ummah is education, it is more crisis faced by the world today. They think that edu- cation has failed to achieve the desired objective becuase our educations has ignored ethics and morality during the last one hundred years.

The crisis humankind, the world civilization is facing becuase the curriculum of the educational institutions have ignored ethics and morality for at least last one hundred years. As an outcome of this disrespect to eternal values, our educational institutions have produced violent and cruel man devoid of love, affection, fraternity, brother-hood and to follow feeling. What has happened in Bosnia, Kosava, Chechmya, Iraq, Kash- mir. Afghanistan and more recently in Gujrat in India is the result of modern education, which has produced cruel and violent man. Modern man is not imbed with the eternal hauman values and therefore most sophisticated nations do not mind to bonmb unearned civilian, woman and children in Afghanistan and does not mind to continue sanction against Iraq at the costs the lives of millions of Iraqi children. Nobody can hope to change this sorry state of affairs, to really improve the face of modern civilization unless the educational curricu- lum is restructured and emphasis is given on moral and ethical values.

What is, therefore, Enquirer is to reorganize the education on the foundation of ethical principles, to combine moral edcua- tion with professional excellence has to be integrated with morality and ethics, which basically can be derived from religion. As far as Muslims are concerned such values can be drawn from Islam and if Muslim societies are not rectified in the light of the precept and teaching of Ilsam then the Muslim societies may the whole world is bound to suffer. That means humankind will suffer. The solution, therefore, lies in combining Islamic values with modern subject in case of Muslims. Where non-Muslims are in majority as in Japan. China and other countires modern subject should be combined with ethics and morality. Nobody should forget that in the days of globaliza- tion and Internet in the new millennium no region remains unaffected if any part of it is affected. Therefore the problem has to be addressed both at regional and international levels.

Dr. Abdul Hamid. Abu Sulayman, former Rector IU. Malaysia and currently Chairman of IT USA addressing a seminar in Dhaka during his recent visit to Bangladesh pointed out: "Mus- lims are not performing. The Muslim world is not performing". He pointed out that in January 2001 (or December 2000) the total GDP of the Muslims world was US $ 1100 billion whereas the GDP # 5500 billion, five times more than Muslim world where as Muslim world is spread over from Pacific to Atlantic. Why this is the condition of the Muslim world. Dr. Abdul Hamid asked? "Why are not Muslims performing. Why are not Muslims motivaed, why are not Muslims big actors in the world scene. Why are they only spectators, why they are in the fringe". Dr. Abdul Hamid asked his learned audience in the seminar.

Dr. Abdul Hamid thinks that Muslims are marginalized because: "We are not motivatied". They present educational system has failed to motivate Muslims and one of the foremost reasons of this is that Muslims still have slavish mentality of the colonial period. We could not leave, get rid of slavish mental- ity. We only imitate. We do not think positively and in a con- strutive way. We have lost our originality and creativity. Dr. Abdul Hamid thinks that we must give due importance educa- tion deserves and integrate moral values and ethics with modern professional knowledge. He believes that we as Mus- lims integrate professional education and social science with Islamic values.

Now if we look back to history what we see. If we fall back to Abbasi, Usmania or Mughel period we will find that their edu- cational system did not produce army generals or civil servants who studied the then modern subjects and at the same were fully conversant with teachings of the Quran. Sunnah, the Tradition of the Prophet (SAWS), Fiqh, Islamic law and jurisprudence.

There was integration in the educational systems of them. An army officer during the Abbasi used to know not only military science but also such an officer was conversantd with the teaching of Quran. Sunnah. Figh and Arabic. Apprwoimately 150 to 200 years earlier, the system of education was an inter- grated whole.

What is then the responsibilty of the new generation of Muslims? The duty and obligation of the Muslims, the task of the entire humankin is to think and reflect on how to restructure the educa- tional system and not to give over emphasis only on professional knowledge for if we only over emphasize on professional knowl- edge then we shall only over emphasize on professional knowl- ege then we have to structure educational system is such a way, for all nations in all countries woldwide. Which shall integrate professional knowlege with ethics and morality and we Muslims believe it and are fully committed to it. This can be establishment of Islamic University does not mean that the door of such educa- tional institutions shall remain closed for the non-Muslim. Islamic University is open for all. Any student can study in such a university and the teaching of Islam shall not be imposed on the non-Muslim student. Non-Muslim student shall have to study only the educati- nal program. It needs to be further examined whether non-Muslim students can be offered optional subjects in some discipline or areas.

The message of Islam is universal. Islam address humankind: Ya Ayyuhan nass, O mankind, Allah has revealed Quran not to divide mankind. The duty of the Prophet (SAWS), was to unite poeple, Islam teacher man not to take away the rights of others but to protect it. Islam stands for moderation. In real sense there is no extremism in Islam. Islam is middle way. Allah (SWT) in Surat Al Baqarah has revealed: "We have created you as a balanced community" (2: 143). Allah did not tell that we created you as extreme community. It is therefore, clear that if we are fully able to appreciate and realize the true meaning of Islam, when we cannot turn out to be extremist. There is no reason of Non-Muslim being afraid of Islam. If we look back to history then we shall find that Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) established a system in which life. Honor and property of the non-Muslims were fully secured.

Moreover, in the commonwealth established by the Prophet (SAWS) under the Charter of Median the Jews were self governing and autonumous and they used to conduct the life according to thier own laws. The Muslims used to follow thier own law, Shariah and the state was run according to set principles as in the case of defense.

The essence of Islam is Tawheed, which not only menas that Allah is one but also it signifies that humankind is one and its honour is indivisible. The objectives of the Shariah is welfare of the mankind. Tawheed signifies the welfare of the Shariah is welfare of the man- kind. It also means and implies that believers of Tawheed must always wish, carves and long for wellbeing and happiness of others and must not distinguish between man and man. It is against the principle of Tawheed Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) fully absorbed the full meaning of Tawheed. He (SAWS) said in his farewell pilgrimage speech: No Arab has superiority over non- Arab White colored has no superority over the black. What is the meaning of this? There is male and female of a particular race is superior to male of another acernor male of a particular race is not superior to another. Likewise what is the meaning of Arabes and non-Arabs are equal. It means Arab female is to equal to non-Arab male and non-Arab male is equal to Arab female.

It becomes clear from the teaching of Prophent (SWAS) that in spite of small difference Isisma makes no significant distinction between man and man as regards their honour, respect and dignity. Islam firmly upholds human and man as regards therir honor, respect and dignity. Islam firmly upholds human equality. These small differnces that exits in our society are the result of the prevalent education system. There is nothing to fear from Islamic education. If Islamic educational system. Is Islamic education system is established in Bangladesh the door of education shall remain wide open for all. There shall be various options open for the non-Muslims to prosecute their studies. New avenues shall be opned and new scopes and opportunities shall be created. Human equality shall be pursued meticulously. The honour, dignity and respect of the non-Muslims shall be vigorously guraded. There shall be no compulsion in respect of religion as enunciated in the Quran: La Ikraha Fiden (Surat Al Baqarah: 256).

Writer: Former Secretary, Peoples Republic of Bangladesh, Chairman, Islami Bangk Bangladehs Limited.